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Snow Leopard (10.6) & Leopard (10.5) Mail - Account Setup

If you're having difficulty setting up your email account using Mail versions 3-4.0.x, follow these instructions.

From the File menu select Add Account...:

Screen Shot 1

This will open the following window:

Screen Shot 2

Fill in the following information:

Full Name Your real name goes here
Email Address Your email address is username@yourdomain.com
Password Your password is personally given to you

Click Continue and the following window will pop up:

Screen Shot 3

Fill in the following information:

Account Type POP
Description A name you choose for this mailbox
Incoming Mail Server Your POP3 server is mail.yourdomain.com
User Name Your POP3 Account ID is username@yourdomain.com
Password This is the password you entered during last step.

Once you have all the info filled in click Continue to see the following:

Screen Shot 4

Make sure that Authentication is set to "MD5 Challenge-Response" and then click Continue.

The following window will pop up:

Screen Shot 5

Check Use Authentication and then fill out the following information:.

Description SMTP
Outgoing Mail Server Your SMTP server is mail.yourdomain.com
User Name Uses the same user name from above.
Password Uses the same password from above.

Clicking Continue will bring up the following window:

Screen Shot 6

Make sure that Authentication is set to "MD5 Challenge-Response" and Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is unchecked.
Click Continue.

Screen Shot 7

Verify that the information is correct. Check Take account online and then click Create.

Once your account is created you will need to click Preferences under the Mail drop down menu.

Screen Shot 10

From here select Edit Server List... from the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) drop down menu and the following will pop up:

Screen Shot 9

Click the Advanced tab and change the Server Port to 587 and click OK.

From the Accounts window click the Advanced tab.

Screen Shot 9

Click the Remove copy from server after retrieving a message check box and make sure that Enable this account is checked. Verify that the Port is set to 110 here and Use SSL is unchecked.

Close the window once you are done and make sure you Save the changes when asked.

You can now send and receive email with your MacServe.net account.

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